Monday, June 30, 2008

Am I less of an American because I am from the Left?

This is something that has always troubled me. One of the reasons I stopped watching Fox News was that it smeared a veteren that was opposed to Iraq War early in its history. After doing that, Fox had no legitimacy in my eyes. Many on the right of the political spectrum accuse people on the left of being less patrotic because of what we believe in. Many of us are patrotic. We believe in what America stands for. The right to be free and live free and the ability to go anywhere and do anything we want to. What we are seeing in this country right here, right now, is the fact that those freedoms are being limited and it is a right wing government that is doing it.

I read this wonderful article today that summed it all up for me.

Campaign For America's Future

1825 K Street, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20006
202-955-5665 (tel) | 202-955-5606 (fax) |

Sunday, June 29, 2008

OK, pick up your Ten Commandments on the Right.....

You Are a Prophet Soul
You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.
Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.
Sometimes this faith can lead to disappointment in the long run.
No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.

You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.
Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.
A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.
You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Something about life, I'm happy!

Last night I finished my classes and took my examination for an Amateur Radio License, better known as Ham Radio. After a week I check on the FCC website, and I should have my call sign. After that, I can get a radio and transmit in any of the frequencies allocated for use by Amateur Radio.

What can one do with such a license? Well, the main use I want to put it to is my volunteer work for weather spotting. I can also connect with other Hams all over the world. I have kinda wanted to do this for a long time. Not sure why, but I have the license to do with it what I want to.

I've also been giving some thought to going to broadcast school. I'm not sure what I can do at my age. I have a good voice and I've been told it might make a good broadcast voice. Maybe I might do some good.

Pretty soon things are going to come to a head about my car. The old Victor/Victoria is just too big and uses too much gas. Plus she needs some work on the front end and maybe a new catalytic converter, which would probably be better spent on getting a better car. So its either fix Victor/Victoria up, fix up the old Aspire (which uses much less gas, but might cost a lot to fix up as well) or get a new car. So, life is conspiring to change my mode of transportation. I'll have to do it soon because the tags and insurance are coming due on the Victor/Victoria and I won't be able to drive it soon. At least legally that is. and I don't want to do that. Not fun. So I'll have to see what happens. Hopefully all will work out.

Hope all is well out in Internet land for you all. Take care.

I think I knew this

I watched this on TV the other night and thought about what I would have done during that Summer of Love in 1967. Would I have gone to San Francisco? What would I have done? Would I have found myself there? Or would I have settled for the John Denver version which was his Rocky Mountain High?

You are a Hippie
You are a total hippie. While you may not wear birks or smell of incense, you have the soul of a hippie.
You don't trust authority, and you do as you please. You're willing to take a stand, even when what you believe isn't popular.

You like to experiment with ideas, lifestyles, and different subcultures.
You always gravitate toward what's radical and subversive. Normal, mainstream culture doesn't really resonate with you.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

MESSENGER Mission News - By Dawn's Early Light

By Dawn's Early Light
Release Date:
June 23, 2008

Date Acquired: January 14, 2008
Image Mission Elapsed Time (MET): 108830334
Instrument: Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) of the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS)
Resolution: 0.8 kilometers/pixel (0.5 miles/pixel)
Scale: The width of this image is about 800 kilometers (500 miles)
Spacecraft Altitude: 30,700 kilometers (19,100 miles)

Of Interest: About 91 minutes after MESSENGER’s closest pass by the planet, MDIS acquired this image of Mercury’s northern surface, which is one in a set of 48 that form a mosaic of the departing planet. In this image, the left portion of the surface fades into darkness at the terminator, the line between the sunlit dayside of the planet and the dark night side. The left-side portions of the surface that are just coming out of the darkness are being hit with the first rays of morning sunlight. Some of the surface to the right of this scene can be viewed in this previously released image looking toward Mercury’s north pole.

Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

Travel with your Laptop????

No, You Can't Search My Laptop

Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution

SOURCE: AP/Mike Derer

An airport screener looks at a laptop computer. The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol now has the ability to copy the contents of laptops from any travelers entering the United States.

Peter Swire is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund and a professor at the Moritz College of Law the Ohio State University.

Read the full testimony (pdf)

In recent months I have become increasingly aware of what I consider a deeply flawed policy. The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol now takes the position that it can seize and copy the contents of a laptop or other computing device for a traveler entering the United States, based simply on its authority to do traditional border searches.

The government seems to believe that, if they can open a suitcase at the border, then they can open a laptop as well. This simplistic legal theory ignores the massive factual differences between a quick glance into a suitcase and the ability to copy a lifetime of files from someone’s laptop, and then examine those files at the government’s leisure.

This issue has come into sharp focus since the April decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in U.S. v. Arnold. That panel clearly ruled that CPB can seize a laptop computer at the border, and examine its contents, without any reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity. Affidavits in that case and other credible reports show that agents at the border are going further—they are requiring travelers to reveal their passwords or encryption keys so that government agents can examine the full content of the laptop or other computing device.

Other witnesses today will go into depth about crucial objections to these laptop border searches, including constitutional prohibitions under the First and Fourth Amendments, ethnic profiling, and severe impact on commercial and individual travelers who are forced to reveal confidential records to the government.

My focus is different, drawing on my personal involvement in the encryption policy battles from a decade ago. My thesis is that laptop border searches bear a striking similarity to the federal encryption policy that was attempted during the 1990s but reversed in 1999. My testimony presents a brief history of these “crypto wars,” as they were called. In particular, the testimony describes the so-called “Clipper Chip,” where the government hoped to gain the encryption keys in advance for telecommunications devices. The testimony then examines eight precise analogies between the failed encryption policy of the 1990s and laptop border searches. For each of the eight critiques, the testimony explains how the critique applied to encryption policy and how the same argument applies to today’s border searches:

1. Traditional legal arguments apply badly to new facts about computing

2. Government forces disclosure of encryption keys

3. Severe violation of computer security best practices

4. U.S. policy creates bad precedents that totalitarian and other regimes will follow

5. Severe harm to personal privacy, free speech, and business secrets

6. Disadvantaging the U.S. economy

7. Political coalition of civil liberties groups and business

8. Technical futility of U.S. policy

Since I became aware of the issue of laptop border searches I have spoken to an array of businesspeople, computer security experts, civil liberties advocates, and ordinary people who hear what the government is doing. The reaction has been uniform: “The government is doing that? They are just stopping people at the border, opening people’s laptops and making copies of what’s inside? It could happen to anyone, even if they’ve done nothing wrong? That is simply not right.”

I hope today’s hearing will be an important step toward curbing the current practices.

Read the full testimony (pdf)

Peter Swire is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund and a professor at the Moritz College of Law the Ohio State University.

Thank you Dorrid....

You are in a mall when the zombies attack. You have:

1. one weapon.

2. one song blasting on the speakers.

3. one famous person to fight alongside you.


What _I_ want.......

1. an M-60 Machine Gun.
2. Eye of the Tiger
3. Arnold Swartznegger (from Comando)

What I would Get....

1. A set of handcuffs
2. El Condor Pasa, by Paul Simon (Or whatever happened to be playing over the Mall Muzak at the time)
3. Al Roker.... ( I have a partner at work that looks like Al Roker, SWEAR TO GOD)!!!!

Tributes to George Carlin

A smattering of Political comics that honor George Carlin.....

Hell Explained by Chemestry......

I liked this one. Got this in the ol' e-mail bag this morning and thought it would be a great deal to post.


The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid term.

The answer by one student was so 'profound' that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well :

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:

1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell,then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, 'It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,' and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct..... .leaving only Heaven,
thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting 'Oh my God.'


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Gotta love it....

OPEC and the Saudi's today sent a message out that they aren't to blame for high gas prices. Market speculation is to blame they tell us. Nothing says it better than this report a friend of mine sent me over the net. Its interesting how all the tiny connections have so much affect on what happens to you and me. Get ready to be amazed, Elect McCain, get more of the same.

We are all North Koreans....

Remember North Korea? Everyone was quick to blame their government, but the premise of the following article was that the North Korean's were the victim of a perfect storm of things that happened at the wrong time. Another premise is that the same things that happened to North Korea are happening to the United States now and if things do not change we may face teh same starvation and pestilence that North Korea has faced. Ten percent of their population has starved to death. Will we beforeced to choose between feeding our cars and feeding ourselves? Lets hope not.

Mother Earth's Triple Whammy

Why North Korea Was a Global Crisis Canary
By John Feffer

Gas prices are above $4 a gallon; global food prices surged 39% last year; and an environmental disaster looms as carbon emissions continue to spiral upward. The global economy appears on the verge of a TKO, a triple whammy from energy, agriculture, and climate-change trends. Right now you may be grumbling about the extra bucks you're shelling out at the pump and the grocery store; but, unless policymakers begin to address all three of these trends as one major crisis, it could get a whole lot worse.

Just ask the North Koreans.

In the 1990s, North Korea was the world's canary. The famine that killed as much as 10% of the North Korean population in those years was, it turns out, a harbinger of the crisis that now grips the globe -- though few saw it that way at the time.

That small Northeast Asian land, one of the last putatively communist countries on the planet, faced the same three converging factors as we do now -- escalating energy prices, a reduction in food supplies, and impending environmental catastrophe. At the time, of course, all the knowing analysts and pundits dismissed what was happening in that country as the inevitable breakdown of an archaic economic system presided over by a crackpot dictator.

They were wrong. The collapse of North Korean agriculture in the 1990s was not the result of backwardness. In fact, North Korea boasted one of the most mechanized agricultures in Asia. Despite claims of self-sufficiency, the North Koreans were actually heavily dependent on cheap fuel imports. (Does that already ring a bell?) In their case, the heavily subsidized energy came from Russia and China, and it helped keep North Korea's battalion of tractors operating. It also meant that North Korea was able to go through fertilizer, a petroleum product, at one of the world's highest rates. When the Soviets and Chinese stopped subsidizing those energy imports in the late 1980s and international energy rates became the norm for them, too, the North Koreans had a rude awakening.

Like the globe as a whole, North Korea does not have a great deal of arable land -- it can grow food on only about 14% of its territory. (The comparable global figure for arable land is about 13%.) With heavy applications of fertilizer and pesticides, North Koreans coaxed a lot of food out of a little land. By the 1980s, however, the soil was exhausted, and agricultural production was declining. So spiking energy prices hit an economy already in crisis. Desperate to grow more food, the North Korean government instructed farmers to cut down trees, stripping hillsides to bring more land into cultivation.

Big mistake. When heavy rains hit in 1995, this dragooning of marginal lands into agricultural production only amplified the national disaster. The resulting flooding damaged more than 40% of the country's rice paddy fields. Torrential rains washed away topsoil, while rocks and sand, dislodged from hillsides, ruined low-lying fields. The rigid economic structures in North Korea were unable to cope with the triple assault of bad weather, soaring energy, and declining food production. Nor did dictator Kim Jong Il's political decisions make things any better.

But the peculiarities of North Korea's political economy did not cause the devastating famine that followed. Highly centralized planning and pretensions to self-reliance only made the country prematurely vulnerable to trends now affecting the rest of the planet.

As with the North Koreans, our dependency on relatively cheap energy to run our industrialized agriculture and our smokestack industries is now mixing lethally with food shortages and the beginnings of climate overload, pushing us all toward the precipice. In the short term, we face a food crisis and an energy crisis. Over the longer term, this is certain to expand into a much larger climate crisis. No magic wand, whether biofuels, genetically modified organisms (GMO), or geoengineering, can make the ogres disappear.

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, "We are all Americans" briefly became a popular expression of solidarity around the world. If we don't devise policy choices that address energy, agriculture, and climate, while replacing the idolatry of unrestrained growth at the heart of both capitalist and communist economies, the tagline for the 21st century may be: "We are all North Koreans."

Through a Glass Darkly

For years, development experts have bemoaned the declining terms of trade that have kept some developing countries, and most poor farmers, mired in poverty. With the exception of the first energy crisis era in the 1970s, between the end of World War II and 2006, food prices never stopped sinking in relation to manufactured goods. Lower food prices are generally a boon for consumers. But they are devastating for the subsistence farmers who make up the vast majority of the world's poor.

However, over the past three years, according to the World Bank, food prices have increased 83%. That may be only an annoyance for wealthy shoppers, but for the poor, who often devote more than 50% of their incomes to feeding their families, such staggering rises can be the difference between life and death.

There are a number of reasons for this recent spike. The price of oil, now near $140 a barrel, has certainly played a crucial role in this, both by driving inflation generally and because of its importance to modern, large-scale agriculture. So has the recent allocation of ever more agricultural land to biofuel production. U.S. farmers, responsible for 70% of all world corn exports, now dispatch one-fifth of their corn to ethanol production, which has had the effect of nearly doubling the price of corn.

Global warming, too, has had an impact. Drought in Australia and the eastern United States, severe flooding in China and Bangladesh, rising ocean levels and fresh water shortages throughout the world are all thought to be related to climate change, though climate scientists cannot prove that any given weather anomaly is caused by global warming.

Climate scientists can be fuzzy this way about causality in the short term. Paradoxically, however, they often see the future more clearly. For instance, the top global food policy think-tank, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), predicts that global warming will be responsible for a 16% decrease in agricultural gross domestic product globally by 2020. The Center for Global Development argues that developing countries, in particular, will be hit hard by climate change: By 2080, India, its report argues, will see a staggering 30-40% drop in agricultural production and Senegal will plummet 50%.

In the United States, a much-anticipated, Bush-administration-delayed federal study foresees water shortages, more herbicide-resistant weeds, and more insect infestations as a result of climbing temperatures. The present food crisis, concludes Joachim von Braun of the IFPRI, "foreshadows what climate change will bring us."

The other major driver of food price increases is certainly rising income levels in key developing countries. With more income, people can, of course, eat more, and eat higher off the hog -- or, put another way, they can eat hog in the first place, rather than the lentils or cassava on which they were subsisting.

Over a decade ago, Lester Brown, the founder of World Watch, suggested that just such a crisis was on the way. He asked whether the world could possibly produce enough grain to feed a more prosperous China. Now, growing middle classes in China and India, the world's most populous countries, are, just as he predicted, changing their eating habits and consuming more meat (and so, indirectly, a great deal more grain, which is used to feed the animals they are now cooking).

Lester Brown was ahead of the curve, but there were ample warning signs of an impending food crisis for those ready to see them. Oil prices have been steadily increasing since 2004 as a result of rising demand. They have been helped along greatly by growing chaos in the Middle East, fed by the Bush administration's foolhardy invasion of Iraq.

Like the North Koreans, we, too, have been trying to squeeze more food out of a limited amount of land: arable land per capita is declining at a steady rate. Falling water tables and dry rivers – think climate change again -- have no less surely pointed to a coming crunch for farmers dependent on irrigation. And don't forget: Critics of biofuels warned time and again that there wasn't enough elasticity in the food supply to take food out of the mouths of people in the Global South in order to fill the gas tanks of the Global North.

Back in the early 1990s, the North Korean leadership failed to grasp the correlation between rising oil prices, declining food stocks, and environmental stresses -- and the political pundits and politicians of the planet conveniently wrote off the resulting catastrophe as uniquely the fault of the world's weirdest country. Instead of taking a timely hint, wealthier governments simply shrugged off the warnings of scientists, development professionals, and energy specialists about future crises.

Responding to Riots

There's nothing like a food riot, however, to get wealthy governments to sit up and take notice. Humanitarian organizations and aid officials may be concerned about people quietly starving to death in remote locations, but only when world security suddenly seems threatened and governments totter do rising food prices translate into a full-blown crisis. Washington, for example, woke up when riots broke out in Egypt, Haiti, and Indonesia, and the militaries in Pakistan and Thailand intervened to protect crops and storage facilities.

In response to the sudden crisis splatting on the global windshield, the United Nations food aid agency, the World Food Program, called for $755 million in emergency contributions. Saudi Arabia, its coffers flooded with oil profits, promptly promised $500 million. The World Bank then announced that it was increasing its overall support of global agriculture by $2 billion in 2009, while Washington offered $5 billion in food aid over the next two years.

Such an emergency response may, indeed, be necessary, but it is also distinctly inadequate. The Director-General of the U.N.'s Food and Agricultural Organization, Jacques Diouf, has called for a minimum of $30 billion a year for a global agricultural restructuring. It's not at all clear who will pony up such sums, which, in any case, will be too late for countries like Haiti whose subsistence farmers needed help before their most recent growing seasons started. Most importantly, though, as an approach, it's too conventional and, in the long run, bound to fail.

After all, the wealthiest countries continue to show little or no interest in altering the policies that have contributed so decisively to the food crisis in the first place. Take the United States. It "ties" -- places restrictions on -- about 70% of its aid. That means recipient countries must use that aid to buy U.S. products, which, of course, will do little to strengthen local economies. Washington has also cut its international agricultural research by as much as 75% at a time when agricultural production is no longer keeping pace with population increases. Add in the $280 billion farm bill that Congress has just passed which, unbelievably enough, provides continued subsidies to "farmers" (read: agribusiness) already benefiting enormously from high food prices. And the European Union, like the United States, is refusing to backtrack on its commitment to boost biofuels produced from grain.

Nor is there much hope for a new Green Revolution. While the campaign to disseminate modern, industrial agricultural techniques that began in the 1960s did increase food production, rural poverty in the developing world remained endemic (which is why the current food crisis is so devastating to subsistence farmers). Today, a repetition of that Revolution's combo of hybrid seeds, intensive irrigation, and the heavy application of petroleum-based fertilizers holds little promise.

Water is scarcer. Oil (and thus fertilizer) is considerably more expensive. The promised next stage of the Green Revolution, the application of biotech advances through genetically modified organisms to produce new, high-yield, insect-resistant crops, generally hasn't lived up to its hype in the developing world.

Yet Western seed companies are taking advantage of the crisis to tout this particular high-tech solution. Oddly enough, all this is depressingly reminiscent of the North Korean leadership's fascination with quick fixes in the 1990s. North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, for instance, touted potatoes as a miracle crop, but the True Potato Seed project sponsored by the U.S. government never panned out. Giant rabbits produced by a German breeder as a newfangled North Korean livestock were a dead-end, probably because the animals themselves consumed as much food as they ultimately yielded. A variety of high-yield "supercorn" hasn't yet revolutionized North Korean agriculture. Neither in North Korea nor in the world at large has anyone yet figured out a technical shortcut to permanent cornucopia.

Markets to the Rescue?

Perhaps the most conventional approach to the crisis has been to rely on market mechanisms. Consider the International Food Policy Research Institute, a product of the Green Revolution and its leading booster, and its eight-point plan for solving the crisis. Several of the steps are eminently sensible, such as expanding humanitarian assistance to food-challenged countries, reversing biofuel policies, and investing in social programs such as school feeding programs and health care. In the mix, however, are more of the same old market mantras. IFPRI recommends, for instance, the elimination of the export bans which 40 countries, including India and Indonesia, recently implemented to keep food from flowing out of the country through trade. And it has tried to revive a dead horse by urging further World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations to reduce barriers to global trade in agricultural products.

Pundits and policymakers addressing food problems have called for the elimination of government regulations and tariffs ever since England repealed its Corn Laws in the 1840s. In the last quarter century, the removal of trade restrictions of every sort facilitated greater agricultural production globally. Free trade helped large producers grow more and sell it cheaper abroad. But free trade hasn't helped the rural poor -- or poor countries.

Quite the opposite. The increased concentration of corporate farming and the dismantling of state programs that sustained the agricultural sector have driven small farmers out of business all over the planet, while making many of those who remain ever more dependent on expensive chemical pesticides, fertilizer, and seeds. For instance, as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexico lost 1.3 million agricultural jobs, forcing many desperate small farmers to cross into the United States as migrant workers. Even more strikingly, the continent of Africa went from a net exporter of food in the late 1960s to a net importer today -- thanks to the World Bank and the WTO riding roughshod through the continent in the same cavalry unit as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The Bank's "structural adjustment programs" and the WTO's "tariff reductions" don't quite have the ring of war, pestilence, famine, and death, but they have been just as devastating.

The quest for perfect markets usually conceals a global shell game in which wealth is redistributed from the many to the few. To even the playing field that markets constantly tilt in favor of the powerful, and to direct funds toward environmental sustainability, governments need to intervene in the economy.

After all, private enterprise is not going to invest in the large-scale improvement of rural infrastructure -- the capital costs are high and profit margins far too low. More controversially, developing countries may need to maintain, or even reestablish, tariffs and subsidies to protect local producers. Since it is both sold and consumed, food should be considered a strategic resource, a matter of national security. It should be left out of trade negotiations in the same way that the "national security exception" allows governments to subsidize and protect their military industries as they please.

On Being Canaries

Any response that doesn't address all three converging trends -- rising energy costs, stagnant per-capita agricultural production, and climate change -- will ultimately fail, just as it did in North Korea in the early 1990s.

Land, energy, and the biosphere are limited resources. And it's not only a peak in oil that we may be approaching. The depletion of oil resources and the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions from their current levels have at least entered mainstream discussion. Less well known, however, are the problems of peak land and peak water.

The last time food prices shot up, in the 1970s, the U.S. response was to put more land into agricultural production. This was the infamous "fencerow-to-fencerow" policy of Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz that Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma, has linked to the glut of corn -- and corn syrup -- that has so profoundly affected global diets. But re-Butzing American agriculture is no longer an option. "For the first time in our history, we're pushing up against the edge in terms of quality land," says Otto Doering, a professor of agricultural economics at Purdue University. "We're in a somewhat fixed box."

The same applies to the world at large. Although rainforests are still being transformed into farming plots and pasture -- only increasing carbon emissions into the atmosphere -- humanity is reaching the limits of arable land. Chalk it up to urbanization, climate change-caused drought, and a loss of soil fertility through the application of too much fertilizer. Whether forest or farmland, we are losing productive land at a rate of one hectare every 7.67 seconds. Sure, there's some wiggle room in Africa and Latin America, but bringing this additional land into cultivation will buy us only a little time -- at the expense of the overall environment.

The water situation is even more precarious. The world is facing a declining reserve of fresh water with the depletion of underground reserves in India, China, Africa, and even the United States. (Say goodbye to the Midwest's mighty Ogallala aquifer, which nourishes America's breadbasket). Aside from the 1.1 billion people who already lack safe drinking water, according to the U.N., this crisis threatens farming, which monopolizes 70% of all fresh water.

Global temperature increases will only aggravate the situation. Rising oceans will inflict death-by-salt on increasing amounts of low-lying farmland, while drought dries up once fertile farming regions. Any intensification of the Green Revolution, dependent as it is on chemical fertilizer and irrigation, is only likely to add to the problem. And don't count on the oceans to offset the food that will no longer be grown on land. The catch of wild fish has remained pretty much the same since the mid-1980s, and fish farming, too, requires land, water, and energy.

In the long run, the only realistic response is a comprehensive program to address, in tandem, the triple crises of energy, climate, and land and water resource exhaustion. If policymakers take into consideration only one, or even two, of the components of this trinity, they may well end up doing more harm than good. The making of biofuels from corn, for instance, was an attempt to address the problems of the cost of energy and the dangers of climate change, but it neglected to consider the effect on agricultural production -- hence, the disastrously soaring price of corn. Calls for the next phase of a Green Revolution, which address agricultural production, are guaranteed to play havoc with the energy and water crises.

Such partial approaches don't work largely because they assume unlimited resources. The original sin of unrestrained growth can be found in the economic theologies of both communism and capitalism. In these systems, neither the state nor the market has ever operated according to ecological principles. Now, we must quickly explore ways of boosting agricultural production in fundamentally sustainable ways without, somehow, expanding our carbon footprint.

Certainly organic farming will play a role here. Although Green Revolution guru Norman Borlaug has dismissed organic agriculture as incapable of feeding the world, an important new study published by Cambridge University Press shows that organic systems in developing countries can produce 80% more than conventional farms.

Integrated farming systems that rely on sustainable energy -- solar, wind, tidal -- will also be critical. No-till agriculture can cut down on energy use and soil erosion.

While properly wary of snake-oil salesmen, neither can we afford to be Luddites. New technologies will play a role as well, as long as they reduce fertilizer and pesticide use, don't shackle debt-ridden farmers to major seed companies, and meet strict consumer safety requirements.

Even if global food prices stabilize this year and projections of a record grain harvest hold, the underlying problems will remain.

So it was with North Korea. With emergency assistance, the country pulled back from the brink by 2000. In 2008, however, it is again in a serious food crisis, thanks to high energy prices, flooding, and a shortfall in last year's grain harvest. Once again, North Korea is the world's canary. As we sit in the dark in the deep hole that we've dug for ourselves, will we finally heed its warning?

John Feffer is the co-director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies. He is the author of numerous articles on food policy and on North Korea.

Copyright 2008 John Feffer

Saturday, June 21, 2008

MESSENGER News - Peak Rings on Mercury

Peak Rings on Mercury

Release Date: June 17, 2008

Date Acquired: January 14, 2008
Image Mission Elapsed Time (MET): 108821505
Instrument: Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) of the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS)
Scale: Dürer crater is about 190 kilometers (120 miles) in diameter
Spacecraft Altitude: 18,300 kilometers (11,400 miles)

Of Interest: MESSENGER snapped this image of Mercury’s horizon about 56 minutes before the spacecraft’s closest pass by the planet. The distinctive peak-ring basin Dürer (named from Mariner 10 photos for the German artist Albrecht Dürer) is visible. The smaller crater Mickiewicz (named for the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz) can also be seen, with a smaller central peak-ring structure in the middle of its crater floor. Craters form ring structures during the impact process that creates the crater, and the number and characteristics of the rings depend on the crater’s size. Raditladi, imaged for the first time by MESSENGER and recently named, also shows a pronounced peak-ring structure.

Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

For information regarding the use of MESSENGER images, see the image use policy.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

In The End - The Tourist Trap

That is what they called it, The Tourist Trap. It was some flea speck motel in the middle of Missouri. The area consisted of a gas station and a motel of some 10 rooms next to it about 10 miles southwest of Springfield Missouri, immediately off Interstate 44. For Shenandoah, Hope and Darrel this was the last stop on the road to nowhere.

Shenandoah was a beautiful woman of 29, with chestnut hair, which flowed in curls down to the small of her back. She had the benefit of a good life, but now times were hard for herself and her family. She had been born in Mount Vernon just to the southeast of here. Darrel had been her high school sweetheart but they didn’t marry. She did follow him to Springfield and went to college with him and both graduated with Business majors. They both went to St. Louis and got jobs. Somehow, they always seemed to end up together. They would always go to the same church, have the same kind of jobs. They felt like a pair. Something dictated that they would eventually marry. They did.

However, their upbringing dictated that Darrel would make the money, and Shenandoah would run the home. Since Darryl made quite a bit of money, such a thing was prudent. So she quit her job, and then the madness started. The honeymoon night was the worst. Since Shenandoah was a virgin, sex was something extremely new. Darrel practically raped her that first time. In that first year, she was expected to have no friends and play the dutiful wife. She was a virtual prisoner in her own home. Horrors piled on top of horrors, and then she discovered she was pregnant. Her strict religious upbringing dictated that the child would be brought into the world despite all the problems in her marriage, and Hope was born.

Thus things had continued for several years and Hope had grown up watching the battles and arguments. Darrel had continued to make money until the inevitable happened and one day the money stopped. Darrel had kited his way throughout his business career and had been found out. He had lived way beyond his means and thought that he deserved better. But better had never came. First the luxuries went, and the cars disappeared one by one, then the house. Then they were living in their car on the last of the savings. Now they were on the way home with their tails between their legs, because Darrel wanted just that specific job and that was gone and he was too stubborn to change. Now they were here in the middle of Missouri, stuck at The Tourist Trap.

She looked out at the rain soaked window at the billboard that hovered over the Gas Station. An overweight man and woman, dressed in Hawaiian shirts and waving looked over the parking lot. The sign bore the legend “THE TOURIST TRAP” and told of good rates and the fact that it was American owned. Darrel liked that. The sign had been a fixture on the interstate since Shenandoah was a child. She had seen the sign and thought it quaint. Now it was just a depressing reminder that they were stuck and had no real place to go.

What was she doing here, she thought. This wasn’t the place for her. What was Darrel going to do back home that he couldn’t do in St. Louis? Going to live with his parents was his last solution to his problems. She had lived with his promises and vows, but they never were kept. She had even suspected him of cheating on her, but because she had been so kept from the world, she couldn’t prove it. Like so many women she realized that she had to get away, but didn’t know how, or what to do when she did get away.

Hope sat in the corner reading a book. Hope was a quiet child; her dark straight hair her inheritance from her father. She had learned to be quiet, lest Daddy fly into a rage and find an excuse to lash out at her. That had happened a lot lately, since they had moved from place to place. Things had gotten bad, and as a child she had to learn to cope because she knew no other existence.

Shenandoah looked at her and wondered. The child should not be condemned to an existence like this. She had to make a decision before Darrel lashed out again. Shenandoah sported some bruised from that last time a couple of days ago. They were stuck here till Darrel’s parents wired money from Mount Vernon. They couldn’t even afford this motel room they were in, but were here anyway. That was what Darrel was doing, checking at the Gas Station across the gravel lot on their ticket to salvation. Or was it? She had led a Godly existence, but always seemed to be punished for it.

She had to make a decision, and make it soon, for when they got home, there would be no way out. She knew that. Darrel’s parents would put up with him for as long as it took, maybe they would even find him some sort of make-work. Darrel would never be what he thought he would be. Not the suave businessman in search of the deal. His ego could never accommodate himself as anything less. He took out his inadequacies on his wife and child, and they could never tell anyone.

She could see Darrel in the gas station there, alternating between pacing and sitting at the table in the space the Gas Station provided for one to eat sandwiches. There was nothing on the TV to satisfy him. The rain had become so intense that it washed out the signal for the digital cable setup, so he had lit across the parking lot to the station to check.

Shenandoah knew the sky behind was brighter, but her window looked off to the east in the gray skies of what had passed. She knew more weather was on the way. She smiled at the irony in that, for that was her life until now. An endless series of storms, she prayed to God to give her the strength to weather. But it seamed like it never ended, it never did. She prayed that God would let her make the right decision. She had worked herself up to leaving Darrel several times only to loose her nerve at the last moment. This time it was going to be different.

She saw Darrel coming back from the gas station. He had a smile on his face. She knew that the money had come. Now they could leave and head to his home.

He knocked on the door, and she opened it. Darrel came in and thoughtlessly shook his wet hair and clothing all over everything. Hope looked up with a childish contempt on her face and then looked back at her book.

“WOOOOHHH WEEE, wet out there. Well, honeybunch,” he said. “Daddy sent the money. I got it here. Gonna cover the motel room and some eating money and Gas to get us there.”

“That’s nice dear,” Shenandoah responded.

“Daddy is really happy I am commin down,” Darrel said. “And he can’t wait to see us I think.”

Shenandoah said nothing.

“Well, Darlin, I am gonna go over to the office and cover the motel. Be back in a few minutes.”

Darrel left. She looked at the room. Water was everywhere. He had no thought for anyone but himself. This settles it.

She went over to the phone. She dialed a number to set up a collect call. She had to find out something. She had to know if Susan would help.

Night had come. Shenandoah sported some more bruises. Darrel was sleeping. Shenandoah got up carefully. She had to be careful so she would not wake up Darrel. Darrel had thoughtfully left the money on the desk. She had checked and took her share, leaving Darrel enough to have bus fare to get home. She dressed carefully, and had already packed since they were leaving in the morning. Fortune had smiled upon her there. She took her suitcases to the car. It was her car anyway, in her name so it wasn’t like she was stealing anything. She got Hope who murmured sleepily. She took her to the car. Her suitcases and toys were next. Darrel stirred slightly so she had to hurry. She closed the door silently. She got into the car. Hope was fully awake now.

“Where are we going Mommie?” she asked.

“We are leaving, honey,” Shenandoah replied.

She started the engine and backed up. She put the car in drive and left the lot. She had done it. She had escaped. She didn’t look back. It was already too late.

She got to the exit. There were two choices. One way represented the future, to the east. The other represented the past, to the west. She looked to the west. There was storm and lightning to the west. For some reason, the east was clear and full of stars.

She turned east. She slammed on the accelerator and the car pulled onto Interstate 44. The past was behind her now. She would meet Susan and she would help. Shenandoah had no idea where she would go, and she didn’t know what she would do when she got there.
She knew one thing though. She was free now.

The best scene about Fathers


Yeah, I'm a little sick. Also a little sleepy too. Can't seem to get back to sleep so I started looking up stuff for Fathers Day. My Dad passed away a few years ago. Never got to say goodbye, but at least I got to know him before he did go.

Still the thing about Fathers Day that brings memories to me is this scene from Creepshow. Yeah I'm Sick

Part 1

Part 2

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Promises, promises

When this war in Iraq started, we were promised that in apart from the search for WMD's what weren't there, the Iraqis would be able to pay for our occupation by the oil they would give us. Well, I spent $20 to fill my tank, got me home from work Sunday and back and forth and now I got to fill my tank again. This CANNOT continue!

Today, the Democrates attempted to restore some sanity by trying to pass an energy bill that included among other things:

A windfall profits tax on the big oil companies,
an end to tax breaks to oil companies
limitations on energy speculation trading,
authorize the Attorney General to begin anti-trust proceedings against OPEC,
and make energy price gouging a federal crime.

Shortly afterward, after blocking this leglislation, the Republics decided to block extensinon of tax breaks that are due to expire for solar, wind and other forms of alternative energy, energy conservation, and for the promotion of energy efficiency.


Its time for a change and the time is NOW. If something isn't done soon, then we start to starve because we aren't going to be able to afford to grow or move food, let alone be able to get to and from work to buy it. The DOE projects the average price of Gas will top out at $4.15 a gallon average nationally. This same agency projected the average price would top out at $3.73 a gallon just a month ago. I would confortably project the price of Gas will top out at $5.00 a gallon by the end of the summer, if not by the end of the year.

Lenin said that no country is more than three meals away from revolution. As gas prices rise, this limit is being reached at an alarming rate and has me seriously concerned abou tour democracy. Our leadership has to get its collective heads out of its collective ass and do something immediately before our economy collapses. These prices are going to do that unless something is done.

MESSENGER News - Young Cunningham Crater in Old Caloris Basin

Young Cunningham Crater in Old Caloris Basin

Release Date: June 10, 2008

Date Acquired: January 14, 2008
Image Mission Elapsed Time (MET): 108828535
Instrument: Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) of the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS)
Resolution: 520 meters/pixel (0.32 miles/pixel)
Scale: Diameter of Cunningham crater is 37 kilometers (23 miles)
Spacecraft Altitude: 20,300 kilometers (12,600 miles)

Of Interest: Mercury's giant Caloris basin is the best-preserved large impact basin known on Mercury, and the high density of craters on its floor indicates that the basin is fairly old and probably formed about 3.8 billion years ago. This NAC image shows an area on the plains that partially fill the Caloris basin floor. On the right portion of this image, the light-colored rays emanating from Cunningham crater (named for the American photographer Imogen Cunningham) show that this crater is relatively young; bright ejecta rays tend to darken with time, as the ejected material is gradually modified by impacting micrometeoroids and solar particles (a suite of different processes that together are called “space weathering”). Relative age relationships such as this one are used to unravel Mercury's geologic history. The similar-sized Kertész crater is also visible on the left side of this image.

Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

For information regarding the use of MESSENGER images, see the image use policy.

From Ben Sergent of the Austin American-Statesman on the Buring of the Texas Governors Mansion

I haven't been here a few days

I have spent the past couple of days in misery. Although I live in the state with a similar pronunciation, my actual state of being is the word which describes distress. I didn't find out till yesterday that I had a container with mayonnaise that was over a year old. I had a sandwich prepared with said mayonnaise. Well, you can imagine what happened next. I spent Saturday evening with a new special friend, and went to work thinking good thoughts oblivious to what the night would behold. I was trembling a little and very thirsty. When I got to work, I thought I didn't feel very well, so I asked if I could stay in for the night rather than risking getting caught sick out in the truck. Glad I did. In another hour I was worshiping the great porcelain altar about three or four times, begging to die and trembling and feverish. I should have gone to the hospital, but I left work early after calling the morning supervisor.

I spent most of the rest of the day in agony, finally having to get out of bed to get medication at Target because I wasn't able to get anyone to come and help me. Then I still had to go into work. I am not happy about either thing, but then again I had already missed 3 or 4 hours of work and I didn't want to miss anymore. The medication helped and I still felt like my tummy had been hit with a baseball bat. I suspect the muscles had to do some unfamiliar work and are having to relearn their proper function.

Sunday was agony day, today is I am still feeling bad day and little weak. I think it will be a while before I can trust my stomach to take solid food. I have been living on soup for the past couple of days waiting for a sign I can eat solid food. When my tummy stops feeling like I have been punched I think I will take a chance.

Meanwhile I think a new REAL job is in order. I can't imagine any other job that would ask you to come in if you call in sick especially after you went home early after the previous shift. I went in with some trepidation, but I did feel better and I told them as long as I didn't have to do anything and sit in the camera room, I would come. I figured I was OK enough. Next time I won't give in. I am not MR NICE GUY anymore. I am pissed I couldn't find anyone to help. I was too out of it to look up any phone numbers for anyone else and didn't think of my new friend who would have certainly done me the small favor of taking my Mom to get medicine.

Anyway, you are looking at a new guy here. I am through pumping crap and dispensing crap and getting crap dispensed on me.

Oh, and we had another water disaster at the mall. Fortuitously, I was in a position to avert it and saved a store from inundation. I am getting to hate water. We have had rain almost every single Friday for the past 3 or 4 weeks (or is it months?) I forget. NO more water in my life, except to drink and provide adequate moisture to farmers for growing. (Be careful for what you wish for). Anyway, I had to crawl under a spiriting faucet, on a grease covered floor and find a slippery valve covered with grease and shut it off, hoping that the electrical panel that the water was spraying on wasn't going to short out. I did it, but probably won't receive any pay increase or kudos for it. Just another day on the job.

Interesting story I found.

Bet you won't hear about this during the election. The gist of it is, John McCain, playboy naval aviator, marries swimsuit model. Avaitor gets shot down, becomes POW. Dutiful wife waits at home, becomes victim of disfiguring car accident. Texas milionare H. Ross Perot, friend of POW's pays for swimsuit model wife's medical care. Avaitor/POW returns home. Through H. Ross Perot becomes introduced to Ronald Regan, meets lots of rich people. Tiring of disfigured wife, meets new wife at party in Hawaii. Starts affair with new wife while married to old wife. Divorces old wife, marries new rich wife. Regan shocked! (Regan was the first divorced president in history). Avaitor/POW with new rich wife, pursues political ambitions. Old wife choses to slink off to the sunset feeling that she was holding him back from his ambitions. Old wife still loves avaitor. Old Wife still being paid alimony and medical care by avaitor. Old friends of avaitor call him a louse. H. Ross Perot, who paid for old wife's medical care while avaitor was POW calls him a "classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory. After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history."

Now this is from an English paper, the Daily Mail. I'll give them that they have an agenda. However, a cursory check confirms the general facts of the story.

Now, this is not a good man. You don't do things like this. Now, old wife won't be publizing this. She still gets money from him so she still thinks he cares. She only spoke to the paper to tell how much she still loves him. The American media will not pay much attention to it. They have pretty much given him a free ride anyway. So this is one more story that will be buried. Should it be a story that should be told? Its says a lot to the cahracter of the man. After reading this, any respect I have had for the man is ill deserved and has left.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

MESSERGER - Voilà! Mercury's Atget

Voilà! Mercury's Atget
Release Date: June 3, 2008

Date Acquired:
January 14, 2008
Image Mission Elapsed Time (MET): 108828540
Instrument: Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) of the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS)
Resolution: 520 meter/pixel (0.32 miles/pixel)
Scale: This image shows a scene about 530 kilometers (330 miles) across
Spacecraft Altitude: 20,300 kilometers (12,600 miles)

Of Interest: Recently named for the French photographer Eugène Atget, Atget crater, seen in the middle of the lower portion of this NAC image, is distinctive on Mercury's surface due to its dark color. Atget crater is located within Caloris basin, near Apollodorus crater and Pantheon Fossae, which are also both visible in this image to the northwest of Atget. The dark color of the floor of Atget is in contrast to other craters within Caloris basin that exhibit bright materials on their floors, such as the craters Kertész and Sander. Other craters on Mercury, such as Basho and Neruda, have halos of dark material but the dark material does not cover the crater floors. Understanding the variety of bright and dark materials associated with different craters will provide insight into Mercury's composition and the processes that acted on Mercury's surface.

Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

For information regarding the use of MESSENGER images, see the image use policy.

MESSENGER Captures a Shot of Kertész

MESSENGER Captures a Shot of Kertész

Release Date:
May 27, 2008

Date Acquired: January 14, 2008
Image Mission Elapsed Time (MET): 108826812
Instrument: Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) of the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS)
Resolution: 260 meter/pixel (0.16 miles/pixel)
Scale: Kertész crater is 34 kilometers (21 miles) in diameter
Spacecraft Altitude: 10,200 kilometers (6,340 miles)

Of Interest: Located in the western edge of Mercury's giant Caloris basin, Kertész crater (recently named for André Kertész, a Hungarian-born American photographer) has some unusual, bright material located on its floor. Sander crater, located in the northwestern edge of Caloris basin, also shows bright material on its floor. The MESSENGER Science Team is investigating the nature and composition of these bright materials and making comparisons between these two craters both located at the edges of Caloris basin. Just northeast of Kertész, a small crater has very bright rays and ejecta in this image, indicating that the crater is young.

Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

For information regarding the use of MESSENGER images, see the image use policy.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Fun tonight

As many of you may know, I am a trained weather spotter and today I got to give my first report. Well, we are having storms moving through at the moment. Most of the heavy stuff is to the south of us at the moment, but the storms are training along Interstate 44 from Springfield Missouri through Rolla, straight into my place here in Jefferson County.

I thought I saw a funnel cloud behind the trees. My sense of direction gets confused because I get south and west confused here. My radio and TV reception here in the back room where I have my computer are bad here. So I can't hear my scanner giving reports from the Sherriff's office and Skywarn. I hope that I don't do an immitation of Dorothy and my trailer goes flying off to points unknown.

Anyway, I am still here for now. I will include any updates in my comments.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I went through life not thinking about things like this. To me, the private lives of celebrities were just that, private. I don't read about the lives of celebrities in order to disvocer the latest dirt about them. I don't personally like or condone that kind of lifestyle, but to each his own.

Oh, by the way, this does not mean I will be taking down my picture of George Takei. I do like his character and I am intelligent enough to differentiate between the role he plays and his private life. He is very personable and likable in public and both times I have met the gentleman at conventions have been enjoyable experiences.

I hope his future is what he wants.

George Takei and partner plan to wed in September

By MICHAEL WEINFELD, Associated Press WriterWed Jun 4, 7:25 PM ET

George Takei, best known for playing Sulu on "Star Trek," will never forget the first time he saw Brad Altman, the man he plans to marry, more than two decades ago.

They were working out in a running club and he couldn't take his eyes off Altman, who had a "lean, tightly muscled" body, the 71-year-old actor told AP Radio in an interview.

Takei said he asked Altman to help him train for a marathon, they fell in love, and now they've been living together for 21 years.

Altman said he proposed by getting down on one knee in their kitchen while Takei was eating a sandwich after seeing on TV that the California Supreme Court had legalized same-sex marriage. It surprised Takei, who thought he would be the one who popped the question.

They bought each other turquoise and silver wedding rings.

Takei and Altman plan to marry Sept. 14 in the Democracy Forum at the Japanese National Museum in Los Angeles.

Walter Koenig, who played Chekov in "Star Trek," will be the best man and Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura, will be the matron of honor. Castmate Leonard Nimoy will be among the 200 guests, but probably not William Shatner. Takei has said Shatner didn't treat him and most of the cast very well.

Takei, who had a recurring role on NBC's "Heroes" last year, and Altman plan to honeymoon for a month in South America.

As for what they'll wear on their big day, Altman said they'll both walk down the aisle in white tuxedoes, which seemed to catch Takei off-guard.

"Well, now that you've announced it on the air, I guess it's settled," he said.


On the Net:

TMI 50 questions.

Got this from Dorids page.

1. Did you have a nickname growing up? Not really.

2. Where were your parents born? Both born in the state of Missouri.

3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? A bunch of stuff from the NOAA publications website about clouds and stormspotting

4. What's your favorite restaurant? Ho Won, the Chinese restraunt near here. I love Anne's Cafe in Louisville, wonderful Vietnamese cusine.

5. Last time you swam in a pool? Oh, its been a long time

6. Have you ever been in a play? Yep, in High School but not since then.

7. How many children do you want? None, I'd rather not bring a child to this crazy world.

8. Type of music you dislike most? Rap

9. Are you registered to vote? Yes, I voted.

10. Do you have cable? No, I want the sattelite though. I WANT NASA TV.

11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? No

12. Ever prank call anybody? No

13. Ever get a parking ticket? Yep

14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? No I like keeping my bones in one piece.

15. Furthest place you ever traveled? Montana

16. Do you have a garden? No

17. What's your favorite comic strip? Non Sequitur

18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? I know the first verse.

19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower.

20. Best movie you've seen in the past month? I don't go to movies at the theatre.

21. Favorite pizza topping? Canadian Bacon.

22. Chips or popcorn? Chips

23. What color lipstick do you usually wear? Are you kidding?.

24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? Nope.

25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? Uhhh no.

26. Orange Juice or apple? either or.

27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? My brother and his wife at Uncle Bens in Manchester.

28. Favorite type chocolate bar? Hershey's Chocolate with Almonds

29. When was the last time you voted at the polls? The Missouri Primary in 2008.

30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? I know its been many years. Don't remember when.

31. Have you ever won a trophy? hmmm, dont remember.

32. Are you a good cook? Kinda, when I put my mind to it.

33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Gasoline or CNG? :-)

34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? Are You Crazy?

35. Sprite or 7-up? 7-Up

36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Yes

37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? I don't remember, batteries I think or a card .

38. Ever throw up in public? I don't remember

39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? I'd like both

40. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah, I've done that.

41. Ever call a 1-900 number? No. Never wate my money that way.

42. Can ex's be friends? Sometimes, it depends on the situation.

43. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? My best friend after her last cancer surgury.

44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? I don't know. I was pretty young then.

45. What message is on your answering machine? Good afternoon or whatever time of day it is....

46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? Mr. Robinson.

47. What was the name of your first pet? Gravy the the gray kitten

48. What is in your purse/wallet that is unusual? I have neither

49. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? Surf the net.

50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? The computer works.

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I am interested in CNG vehicles because they are good for the environment and aren't powered by dead Marines. I still have a little hope for the world. Read the musings and enjoy.

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